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House of Commons Administration and Parliamentary Digital Service publish 2023 pay gap data

3 April 2024

Houses of Parliament at night, lit up with the ruiver Thames in the foreground

The House of Commons Administration and Parliamentary Digital Service (PDS) have today published pay gap reports including gender and ethnicity figures for pay and bonus payments in 2023.

The gender pay gap (GPG) 

  • The mean GPG for the House of Commons Administration is 2%, and the median is 0.5%.
  • In comparison to last year’s published figures, there has been a reduction in the median pay gap of 0.4 percentage points (ppts), from 0.9% in 2022. The mean pay gap has increased by 0.3 ppts (from 1.7% in 2022).
  • PDS report a mean GPG of 2.3%, a decrease of 3 ppts from the 2022 figures. The median pay gap is now 2.2%, a reduction of 1.6 ppts.

The ethnicity pay gap (EPG) 

  • The EPG mean for the House of Commons Administration has increased from last year’s report, from 16.9% in 2022 to 18.9% in 2023. The median EPG is now 14.6% (12.6% in 2022). In comparison to last year’s report, there has been an increase of 2 ppts on both mean and median figures.
  • For PDS, the mean pay gap was 19.4%, and the median pay gap was 16.1%; both figures are an increase of 0.3 ppts compared to 2022.
  • The latest figures (2023) show London to have a median EPG of 24.2%.  


In response to the latest data, Tom Goldsmith, Clerk of the House of Commons, and Marianne Cwynarski CBE, Director General said:  

“We are committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace in the House of Commons Administration, and supporting our people to thrive. The annual pay gap reports give us an opportunity to review and consider our progress to date.

This year we again report one of the lowest gender pay gaps (GPG) in the public sector; this is a significant achievement, and we are very proud of the progress we have made.

However, we are disappointed to see that our ethnicity pay gap (EPG) has increased.

The Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) strategy sets out ambitious strategic priorities to achieve by 2027. The strategy commits us to reducing the EPG through a series of focused actions. A Commons Executive Board working group will ensure we continue to work with key stakeholders to take these actions forward.

This is the fifth consecutive year we have voluntarily published our EPG figures alongside our GPG data.

Building an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive remains our long-term goal. We are committed to improvement, and we will continue to take meaningful actions to achieve this.”


Dan Cook, Interim Chief Information Officer and Managing Director of PDS said: 

“Our pay gap data this year show that, although we have made progress in some areas, there is much more work to do. Our median gender pay gap has decreased by 1.6% this year to 2.2% in favour of men. This shows that we are moving in the right direction but have some way to go before regaining the gender pay parity we were able to report in 2020. We continue to see inequality in our ethnicity pay gap figures which have increased slightly by 0.3%.

“This report sets out the action we have taken to address inequalities and what we will do to strengthen and continue this work in the year ahead. Our new Inclusion and Diversity plan drives our work in this area and, whilst we continue to work towards gender pay parity, this plan also has a specific focus on actions to close the EPG. We are committed to fairness and inclusivity and to creating a workplace where colleagues are equally valued.”

Read the reports in full