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Future of small farms and family businesses on Lords agenda

13 December 2024

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On Thursday 12 December, members of the House of Lords debated the impact of government proposals on the future of small farms and family businesses.


The Earl of Leicester (Conservative), director of the Holkham Farming Company, put forward the debate.

This was a general debate. During debates, members put their experience to good use to discuss current issues and draw the government's attention to concerns.

Members speaking

Members speaking in the debate included:

Opening the debate, the Earl of Leicester said:

'[Agricultual Property Relief and Business Property Relief] are not tax loopholes; they are enablers of successful tax-paying businesses that take multiple generations to achieve the ability to operate in a highly competitive, difficult and volatile market.'

Lord Livermore (Labour), Financial Secretary to the Treasury, responded on behalf of the government:

'We have taken this decision in a way which makes the tax system fairer and more sustainable, and it is set against the backdrop of significant new investment for farming as well as support for small businesses.'

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Image: Monika Kubala / Unsplash

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