Coming up in the Commons 20-24 January
17 January 2025
Here is an overview of debates scheduled in the Commons Chamber over the coming week.
This business was announced in the Commons Chamber by the Leader of the House of Commons, Lucy Powell on Thursday 16 January 2025. It is possible that changes will be made to the schedule of business throughout the week. Any changes will be reflected in What's on in Parliament.
For a complete list of questions and updates on urgent questions and statements see the Order of Business on the day or the Question Book for questions in advance.
Monday 20 January
The House will sit from 2.30pm, starting with questions to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner.
The main business will be:
- General debate on the impact of food and diet on obesity.
- General debate on financial education.
The subjects of these debates were determined by the Backbench Business Committee.
Tuesday 21 January
The House will sit from 11.30am, starting with questions to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves.
The main business will be:
- Remaining stages of the Armed Forces Commissioner Bill.
- Motion to approve the draft Deposit Scheme for Drinks Containers (England and Northern Ireland) Regulations 2024.
Wednesday 22 January
The House will sit from 11.30am, starting with questions to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Ian Murray.
Prime Minister’s Questions will take place at 12 midday.
The main business will be:
- Motion to agree a money resolution relating to the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill.
- Second reading of the Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill [Lords].
Thursday 23 January
The House will sit from 9.30am, starting with questions to Cabinet Office Ministers.
The main business will be:
- General debate on Holocaust Memorial Day.
Friday 24 January
The House will sit from 9.30am on Friday and the main business will be Private Members’ Bills, starting with:
- Climate and Nature Bill: Second reading
All business is subject to change. More information about forthcoming Business in the House of Commons can be found in the Parliamentary Calendar.