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Industry news from UK Parliament.

Total results 344 (page 8 of 23)
Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill completes passage through Parliament
Members discuss definition of leases and Electronic Communications Code
05 March 2021
House of Lords Thursday debates
Members debate anti-slavery projects, NHS staffing, hauliers and the space industry
04 March 2021
Lords debates UK-Kenya future trading relationship
Members, including former leading diplomats, debate the trade agreement and International Agreements Committee report drawing it to the attention of the House
03 March 2021
Support Catapults to deliver UK's innovation ambition, says Lords Committee
Science and Technology Committee publish report 'Catapults: bridging the gap between research and industry'
05 February 2021
EU Committee seeks evidence for new inquiry on EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
EU Goods Sub-Committee launch call for evidence on Future UK⁠–EU relations: trade in goods
20 January 2021
Lords debates non-domestic ratings bills
Members discuss accessibility, environment and privatisation of services
19 January 2021
Committee to take evidence on Covid-19 data and the leisure and retail sectors
RFU, British Beer & Pub Association and British Independent Retailers Association to give evidence
14 December 2020
Lords debates Spending Review
Members discuss Chancellor's statement on 25 November
04 December 2020
Lords debates UK-Japan Trade Agreement
Members discuss new Comprehensive Economic Partnership
27 November 2020
Chair urges clarity on Covid-19 rules to help protect jobs
Darren Jones, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee has written to Alok Sharma, Secretary of State, to call for the Government to provide urgent clarity over Covid-19 restrictions and the rules
20 November 2020
Extend use of Remote Electronic Monitoring, advise Committee
The EU Environment Sub-Committee writes to George Eustice, Secretary of State for the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs about the Remote Electronic Monitoring call for evidence.
12 November 2020
EAC revisit fashion sustainability and working conditions in UK garment industry
Environmental Audit Committee follow-up work on its 2018 inquiry, Fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability
06 October 2020
Committee to question Dame Judith Hackitt on draft Building Safety Bill
Dame Judith Hackitt and representatives of the Health and Safety Executive will be questioned on 5 October
02 October 2020
Lords debates Coronavirus Act 2020
COVID-19 measures under spotlight
29 September 2020
Business Committee begins ‘Levelling up’ inquiry
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee hears from local government and regional business voices
29 September 2020
Total results 344 (page 8 of 23)