Small businesses
Small businesses news from UK Parliament.
Lords debates contribution made by businesses in addressing Covid-19
Role played by private sector under spotlight
22 May 2020
Lords debates food supply and security
Availability of provisions during Covid-19 pandemic on agenda
15 May 2020
Lords debates challenges facing charitable and voluntary sector
Members discuss fundraising issues caused by Covid-19 pandemic
01 May 2020
Government must address IR35's inherent flaws and unfairnesses, committee concludes
Off-payroll working: treating people fairly report published
27 April 2020
Off-payroll working report to be published on Monday
Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee publication date announced
22 April 2020
Ministers from the Treasury questioned on employment support
Greg Clark MP has asked an urgent question to the Treasury on employment support during coronavirus
19 March 2020
Lords debates Spring Budget
Members discuss economy following Chancellor's statement
19 March 2020
Lords debates future UK-EU relationship
Spotlight on EU Committee report on negotiations
17 March 2020
How could off-payroll reforms impact the labour market?
Finance Bill Sub-Committee takes evidence on Monday 9 March at 3.15pm
06 March 2020
Lords EU exit regulations: 30 September
Peers discuss medicines, medical devices and insolvency
01 October 2019
Lords debates Non-Domestic Rating (Lists) Bill
Members discuss market rents and retail strategy
01 October 2019
Statement on new measures to protect small businesses from late payments
BEIS Minister announces policy to protect small businesses
19 June 2019
Lords debates Transport Act 1985 regulations
Members consider judicial review of community transport
21 May 2019
Lords EU exit regulations: 8 May
Agriculture and firearms trade in spotlight
09 May 2019
Trade Bill: Lords third reading
Members discuss continued UK participation in EU and EEA organisations
21 March 2019