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Communities and families

Communities and families news from UK Parliament.

Total results 644 (page 2 of 43)
Lords marks International Women's Day
Members discuss economic inclusion of women. Find out more
08 March 2024
Lords debates local regeneration of former industrial areas
Members discussed challenges limiting local regeneration. Catch up
08 March 2024
I ba raddau mae economi Cymru'n cael ei heffeithio gan bobl ifanc yn gadael Cymru?
Bydd y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cynnal ei drydedd sesiwn dystiolaeth yn archwilio Effaith newid poblogaeth yng Nghymru, gan ganolbwyntio ar effaith pobl iau yn gadael y genedl ar yr economi
01 March 2024
Poverty reduction policy on Lords agenda
Members discuss poverty reduction policymaking. Follow for more
23 February 2024
How can the incidence and impact of preterm birth be reduced?
Preterm Birth Committee launch call for evidence.
21 February 2024
Levelling-Up Committee hears from architect and built development experts on Monday 26 February
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee publishes further written evidence
01 February 2024
ESNZ Committee holds oral evidence session on supporting and protecting consumers
The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s investigation continues with a session examining how best to support and protect consumers
29 January 2024
Maternity services in England debated in the Lords
Members discuss delivery of antenatal care. Catch up
26 January 2024
Allowances and tax arrangements for foster carers to be debated by MPs
Allowances and tax arrangements for foster carers to be debated by MPs
10 January 2024
Data Protection and Digital Information Bill has second reading in the Lords
Lords consider AI in the workplace and EU data protection at second reading. Catch up
20 December 2023
Support for families and households subject of Lords debate
Quality of family life under spotlight. Catch up
11 December 2023
MPs to hold a debate on Christmas, Christianity and communities
MPs to hold a debate on Christmas, Christianity and communities
08 December 2023
Michael Gove, Secretary of State, questioned by Levelling Up Committee on financial distress in local authorities
The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LUHC) Committee will question Michael Gove, Secretary of State, on financial distress in local authorities
05 December 2023
Quality of early years education up for debate in the Lords
Members discuss importance of early years education since the Covid-19 pandemic. Catch up
01 December 2023
Council tax – councils should not be chasing arrears from households that can least afford it, say MPs
The Government should act to ensure local councils are not aggressively chasing council tax debt from those who can least afford it, says the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LUHC) Committee in a report published today
01 December 2023
Total results 644 (page 2 of 43)