Phone-hacking news from UK Parliament.
Scottish Affairs Committee rejects Government plans for Remploy sell-off
26 June 2013
Debate on multinational companies and UK corporation tax
25 June 2013
Debate on legal aid reform on 27 June
25 June 2013
The UK staff presence in the EU institutions
25 June 2013
Lords confront major proposals for media plurality reform
25 June 2013
Women in STEM careers
25 June 2013
Access to ports, first evidence session
25 June 2013
Committee publishes note on negative interest rates
25 June 2013
Providing the tools for tomorrow's research
25 June 2013
Lords question Ministry of Justice officials
25 June 2013
Committee to hold second evidence session on UK Retail Sector
Committee to hear from USDAW, Association of Town & City Management (BIDs) and Market Rasen Town Team
25 June 2013
Committee to hold second evidence session on UK Retail Sector
25 June 2013
Mervyn King and MPC members give evidence on inflation report
25 June 2013
Third evidence session on Complaints: do they make a difference?
25 June 2013
Future programme for 2013-14 published
25 June 2013