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Teachers news from UK Parliament.

Total results 58 (page 2 of 4)
Education Committee examines the state of teaching in England’s prisons
The Education Committee question Ofsted and teaching providers
17 September 2021
An image representing technical and skills training.
Lords debates private members’ bills at second reading
Members discuss proposed laws on employment rights for workers, state school assemblies and entry into the UK for refugee family members. Learn more
13 September 2021
House of Lords chamber
Lords debates private members’ bills
Members discuss elderly social care, organ tourism and environment education. Catch up
19 July 2021
Teachers and doctors must be equipped for the digital world
The COVID-19 Committee has written to the Secretaries of State for Health and Education about the lack of IT equipment and training for GPs and teachers.
18 June 2021
Gavin Williamson MP and Ofsted give evidence in accountability hearings
Secretary of State Gavin Williamson and Ofsted’s Chief Inspector of Schools Amanda Spielman give evidence.
10 June 2021
Experts give evidence on prison education
Education Committee to question charities, governors’ association and Open University on learning in custody
28 May 2021
Private members' bills complete passage through Parliament
Bills await Royal Assent
27 April 2021
MPs to debate petitions relating to the impact of covid-19 on education
MPs to debate petitions relating to the impact of covid-19 on education
11 March 2021
Awarding of student grades: Education Committee to question Nick Gibb and Ofqual
Minister for School Standards will take questions on the arrangements being put in place this summer to determine student grades
05 March 2021
Education Committee scrutinises the science behind school closures
Education explores the scientific evidence behind the decision to close schools during the latest national lockdown
15 January 2021
The Government and Ofqual respond to exam cancellation and calculated grades report
The Education Committee has published responses from the Government and Ofqual to the report on exam cancellation and calculated grades.
24 September 2020
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
House of Lords questions government on 20 May
Members quiz the government on Covid-19 in a virtual session
19 May 2020
Lords debates educational opportunities
Members focus on children from working class backgrounds
06 March 2020
Lords debates post-18 education and funding
Members discuss review led by Philip Augar
03 July 2019
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Lords debates equal opportunities for young people
Members consider quality of life
17 May 2019
Total results 58 (page 2 of 4)