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Energy news from UK Parliament.

Total results 376 (page 6 of 26)
Comment: OEP launches investigation into the regulation of combined sewer overflows
Environmental Audit Committee Chairman, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP, reacts to the announcement
28 June 2022
Foggy polluted sky
EAC welcomes ONS move to publish emissions statistics alongside GDP figures
The Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP, has written to the National Statistician.
27 June 2022
Could the rising cost of living lock-in fossil fuels or champion low carbon electricity generation and energy efficiency? MPs quiz energy executives and oil and gas industry
MPs quiz energy executives and oil and gas industry
06 June 2022
Gweinidog ynni’r DU i roi tystiolaeth i ASau ar gysylltedd grid yng Nghymru
Committee to question Energy Minister Greg Hands
06 June 2022
UK Energy Minister to give evidence to MPs on grid connectivity in Wales
Committee to question Energy Minister Greg Hands
06 June 2022
Ai Wylfa fydd gorsaf ynni niwclear nesaf y DU? ASau yn lansio ymchwiliad newydd
Committee launches a new inquiry looking at Nuclear power in Wales
26 May 2022
Could Wylfa be the UK’s next nuclear power station? MPs launch new inquiry
Committee launches a new inquiry looking at Nuclear power in Wales
26 May 2022
Emissions must be reduced in the construction of buildings if the UK is to meet net zero, MPs warn
The Environmental Audit Committee publishes a report on construction as part of their Sustainability of the built environment inquiry
26 May 2022
Decarbonising power supply sector inquiry launched by Business Committee
Committee launches a new inquiry into the Government’s plans to decarbonise the UK’s power supply sector
20 May 2022
Kwasi Kwarteng and Ofgem CEO to face questions from BEIS Committee on energy market
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee examines energy pricing and the future of the Energy Market
19 May 2022
Sut y gall grid ynni Cymru fod yn barod ar gyfer sero net, o ystyried y cynnydd mewn cynlluniau adnewyddadwy yn y dyfodol?
Bydd y sesiwn yn archwilio goblygiadau materion yn ymwneud â chapasiti grid ar gyfer y sector ynni yng Nghymru, a sut y mae hyn yn effeithio ar dargedau sero net Cymru
22 April 2022
How can Wales’ energy grid become net zero ready for the increase of renewable projects?
MPs will explore the implications of grid capacity issues for the energy sector in Wales, and how this impacts Wales' net zero targets
22 April 2022
Energy pricing and the future of the energy market
Committee to take evidence from representatives from energy suppliers
14 April 2022
Foggy polluted sky
Quarterly stocktake on emissions, published with GDP figures, necessary to measure progress towards net zero
The Committee has published letters to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and to the National Statistician
06 April 2022
EAC calls for work on a unilateral CBAM to commence immediately
Committee publish their report on Greening imports: a UK carbon border approach
04 April 2022
Total results 376 (page 6 of 26)