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Renewable energy

Renewable energy news from UK Parliament.

Total results 121 (page 4 of 9)
Ministers respond to MPs’ letter on supply chain for battery electric vehicles
There will be a consultation in the coming months to examine the recycling of batteries for electric vehicles.
21 September 2021
EAC quiz ministers on how local authorities can meet net zero
EAC continues examining the National Audit Office’s report on Net Zero and Local Government in England
17 September 2021
How can the Government get to ‘net zero’?
BEIS Committee begins net zero governance inquiry
17 September 2021
Foggy polluted sky
Net zero: Lords debates behaviour change
Members discuss Climate Change Committee's 'Reducing UK emissions' report and a public engagement strategy. Find out more
17 September 2021
UK's battery strategy risks going flat, says Lords Committee
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee publishes its report 'Battery strategy goes flat: Net-zero target at risk'
26 July 2021
Are local authorities equipped to reach net zero?
The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is calling for written evidence submissions
26 July 2021
International Trade Committee launches inquiry on ‘COP26 and International Trade’
The inquiry comes as the UK prepares to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow
22 July 2021
Renewables inquiry wrapped up with evidence session with Energy Minister
The Scottish Affairs Committee takes evidence from Energy Minister, Anne-Marie Trevelyan
08 July 2021
MPs visit Orkney to see islands’ strengths in renewable energy
The Scottish Affairs Committee visits Orkney for its Renewable Energy in Scotland inquiry
24 June 2021
Climate change - How can the Government get to ‘net zero’?
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee launches net zero governance inquiry
24 June 2021
Climate Assembly UK members to share views with BEIS Committee
MPs hear from members of the public who took part in the Climate Assembly.
11 June 2021
How can renewable energy targets be met in Scotland?
Renewable energy sector and Ofgem to face Scottish Affairs Committee
10 June 2021
Is the UK on track for 2 million green jobs by 2030? EAC to quiz four Ministers
The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) will be holding its final evidence session as part of the Green Jobs inquiry, hearing from Ministers of BEIS, DEFRA, DfE and DWP
07 June 2021
Committee to take evidence on decarbonising heat in homes inquiry
Questions will be put to consumer protection organisations and consumer focused energy companies
28 May 2021
Four short debates in the Lords
Climate change targets, ethnicity and child poverty, neurological services and perpetrators of genocide are in the Lords spotlight. Find out more about Thursday debates in May
28 May 2021
Total results 121 (page 4 of 9)