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Biodiversity news from UK Parliament.

Total results 83 (page 3 of 6)
Animal Sentience Bill: MPs to quiz Minister
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is to hold the second evidence session of its Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill inquiry. MPs will explore whether this Bill is the right approach to ensuring Government policy has all due regard to protecting the welfare needs of sentient animals.
03 September 2021
Are local authorities equipped to reach net zero?
The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) is calling for written evidence submissions
26 July 2021
International Trade Committee launches inquiry on ‘COP26 and International Trade’
The inquiry comes as the UK prepares to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow
22 July 2021
House of Lords chamber
Lords debates private members’ bills
Members discuss elderly social care, organ tourism and environment education. Catch up
19 July 2021
Minister addresses Environmental Land Management Scheme concerns
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee takes evidence on Environmental Land Management and the Agricultural Transition
15 July 2021
Will Government measures to reduce plastic waste be just a drop in a plastic-polluted ocean?
MPs launch a new inquiry into Plastic Waste, scrutinising how the UK Government intends to tackle its plastics problem
09 July 2021
Committee biodiversity photo competition winner announced
Winner of the EAC biodiversity competition announced as damselflies by Michael Swailes.
28 June 2021
Four short debates in the Lords
Members discuss human rights sanctions, housing developments on flood plains, Official Development Assistance and the Child Maintenance Service. Learn more
25 June 2021
MPs quiz water regulators on pollution in rivers
The Environmental Audit Committee takes evidence from the Environment Agency, Ofwat and Highways England.
18 June 2021
New committee launches new inquiries: COP15 and COP26
The new House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee launches its first inquiries on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) and the UN Climate Change conference (COP26)
11 June 2021
Climate Assembly UK members to share views with BEIS Committee
MPs hear from members of the public who took part in the Climate Assembly.
11 June 2021
Four short debates in the Lords
Climate change targets, ethnicity and child poverty, neurological services and perpetrators of genocide are in the Lords spotlight. Find out more about Thursday debates in May
28 May 2021
Lords debates the economic value of biodiversity
'The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review' report in the spotlight for House of Lords debate. Find out more
29 April 2021
COP 26 Climate Summit - Business Committee evidence hearing
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee will holds the latest session on COP 26
26 April 2021
Four short debates in the Lords
Members discuss Body Mass Index, alcohol harm, COVID-19-related evictions and biodiversity emergency
23 April 2021
Total results 83 (page 3 of 6)