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Health education and preventive medicine

Health education and preventive medicine news from UK Parliament.

Total results 30886 (page 56 of 2060)
Treasury Committee writes to 21 public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu
Treasury Committee writes to 21 public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu
19 January 2024
Coming up in the Commons 22-26 January
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 22-26 January
19 January 2024
What's on in the Lords 22-26 January
Questions, bills and debates: discover what's coming up in the House of Lords.
19 January 2024
Committee questions minister for development Andrew Mitchell
International Development Committee takes evidence from the Minister for Development & Africa on Tuesday 23 January at 2.15pm
19 January 2024
Committee on Standards announces evidence sessions as part of its inquiry into the House of Commons standards landscape
the Committee on Standards has arranged a number of oral evidence sessions which will take place over the coming weeks
19 January 2024
Children, young people and the built environment inquiry - Levelling-Up Committee publishes evidence ahead of opening evidence session
Children, young people and the built environment inquiry - Levelling-Up Committee publishes evidence ahead of opening evidence session
19 January 2024
Threats to UK biodiversity at heart of Lords debate
Members discuss infectious disease threats to human, animal and plant health. Catch up
19 January 2024
Intergovernmental relations within the UK on Lords agenda
Members debate relationship between executives of the United Kingdom. Catch up
19 January 2024
Government must act now to protect tenants from ‘catastrophic’ impact of poor housing on health, warn MPs
Health and Social Care Committee: The government has dragged its feet on updating the Decent Homes Standard
19 January 2024
Significant risks for front-line armed forces caused by MoD inventory failures
Public Accounts Committee report: Government powerless to deal with fragmentation of inventory management
19 January 2024
MPs to quiz Government on outcome of UK’s annual fishing talks
The Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries, Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, will be questioned on the latest fisheries negotiations between the UK and its nearby coastal partners
18 January 2024
Ydy'r cynnydd mewn ail gartrefi mewn ardaloedd penodol yng Nghymru yn effeithio ar y Gymraeg?
Yn ei ail sesiwn dystiolaeth fel rhan o'r ymchwiliad 'Effaith newid poblogaeth yng Nghymru', bydd yr Aelodau'n canolbwyntio ar y sector tai a gwasanaethau lleol
18 January 2024
Is the Welsh language being affected by the increase in second homes in certain areas in Wales?
In its second evidence session as part of the ‘Impact of population change in Wales’ inquiry, Members will be focusing on the housing sector and local services
18 January 2024
MoJ and Sentencing Council respond to Justice Committee’s call for a new national debate on sentencing
Justice Committee welcomes MoJ’s acknowledgement that public opinion plays a ‘pivotal role’ in shaping sentencing policy
18 January 2024
Decisions of the Petitions Committee, Tuesday 16 January 2024
Committee considered e-petitions that had received over 10,000 signatures
18 January 2024
Total results 30886 (page 56 of 2060)