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Regulations impact on schools

25 November 2008 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Committee are focusing their inquiry into the cumulative impact of SIs on schools, as the Department for Children, Schools and Families issued significantly more SIs than any other Government department in the last Parliamentary session. The Committee have previously expressed concern that too many SIs, in many sectors, made too quickly without clear strategy or guidance may not achieve the policy objective behind them.

The Committee also noted that the peak time for bringing schools-related SIs into force has been in August or early September, giving little notice before the start of the new school year. The Committee will ask the witnesses how schools cope with the large number of SIs they must comply with each year and what could be done to improve feedback on SIs from schools practitioners to Government.

Giving evidence to the Committee on behalf of the NAHT will be Simon Decker, Headteacher at Rainham Mark Grammar School; Clarissa Williams, NAHT President; and Kathryn James, Head of Policy, Politics and Education Division, NAHT. The IRU evidence will be presented by its Chairman Dr Chris Nichols.

The Evidence session will start at 3.35pm, Tuesday 25 November in Committee Room 3A of the House of Lords. The full details are:

3.35pm – Dr Chris Nichols, Chairman, the Implementation Review Unit

4pm – Simon Decker, Headteacher at Rainham Mark Grammar School; Clarissa Williams, NAHT President; Kathryn James, Head of Policy Politics and Education Division, The National Association of Head Teachers.