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Commons debates law and order

25 February 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

House of Commons debates Opposition motion and Government amendment on law and order issues

Opposition motion:

Mr David Cameron, Chris Grayling, James Brokenshire, Mr David Ruffley, Mr Crispin Blunt, Mr Patrick McLoughlin

That this House views with great concern the rise in burglary, drug offences and crimes involving knives; is concerned by the Government’s complacency about criminal and anti-social behaviour; and is further concerned that the Government has no long-term strategy to tackle the causes of crime.

Government amendment:

The Prime Minister, Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, Secretary Jack Straw, Secretary Jacqui Smith, Secretary Alan Johnson, Mr Vernon Coaker

Line  1, leave out from ‘House’ to end and add ‘welcomes the unprecedented 39 per cent. fall in crime since 1997, with burglary down by 55 per cent. and violence by 40 per cent; notes that the chance of being a victim of crime is at an historic low; further welcomes the record numbers now entering and staying in drug treatment services; further supports the drive to tackle gangs, including measures in the Policing and Crime Bill to introduce injunctions on gang activity; further welcomes the preventative, educational and enforcement action taken to tackle knife crime, with those carrying a knife now more likely to be caught, prosecuted and imprisoned, if found guilty; considers that the Government’s determination to tackle criminal and antisocial behaviour is demonstrated by the record levels of investment in policing since 1997 and increases in the numbers of police officers and police staff to an all-time high, as well as the Government’s drive to cut police red tape to free up more time for police officers to spend on the beat; is concerned at any proposal to make sudden cuts to the Home Office budget that could lead to reductions in police officer numbers; commends the Government’s determination to stand shoulder to shoulder with local communities in the fight against crime and antisocial behaviour; and deplores talk of a “broken society” as a counsel of despair.’