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Debate on future of the Royal Mail

12 February 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

MPs debate Opposition motion and Government amendment on the future of the Royal Mail

Opposition motion:


Mr David Cameron Mr Kenneth Clarke Mr Mark Prisk John Penrose Mr Jonathan Djanogly Mr Patrick McLoughlin

That this House welcomes the Hooper review of UK postal services; and urges the Government to implement rapidly the review’s proposals for the partial privatisation of Royal Mail.

Government amendment:

As Amendments to Mr David Cameron’s proposed Motion (Future of Royal Mail):

The Prime Minister Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer Secretary Paul Murphy Secretary Jim Murphy Secretary Hilary Benn Secretary James Purnell Secretary Hazel Blears Mr Pat McFadden Ian Pearson

Line 1, leave out from ‘House’ to end and add ‘notes the threats to the future of the Royal Mail and welcomes the conclusion of the Hooper Report that, as part of a plan to place the Royal Mail on a sustainable path for the future, the current six days a week universal service obligation (USO) must be protected, that the primary duty of a new regulator should be to maintain the USO, and that the Government should address the growing pensions deficit; notes that modernisation in the Royal Mail is essential and that investment must be found for it; endorses the call for a new relationship between management and postal unions; urges engagement with relevant stakeholders to secure the Government’s commitment to a thriving and prosperous Royal Mail, secure in public ownership, that is able to compete and lead internationally and that preserves the universal postal service; further notes the Conservatives’ failure to invest in Royal Mail when they were in power in contrast with Labour’s support for both Royal Mail and the Post Office; and notes that legislation on these issues will be subject to normal parliamentary procedures.’