Committee investigates money laundering
4 March 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Home Affairs holds the first oral evidence session of its inquiry into money laundering and the financing of terrorism, from 10.40am.
- Video and Audio: Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism evidence session
- House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Home Affairs
- Parliamentary News: Money laundering inquiry launched
The witnesses giving evidence to the Committee are Des Hudson, Chief Executive of the Law Society; Felicity Banks, Head of Business Law at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales; and Richard Cook, Director of Financial Crime, and Sally Scutt, Deputy Chief Executive, British Bankers’ Association.
The Committtee's inquiry looks at the role of the EU and it member states in global efforts to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing and considers the level of international cooperation in detecting and preventing money laundering operations.