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Lord Myners speaks to EU financial regulation inquiry

29 April 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary to the Treasury, gives evidence to the House of Lords EU Committee inquiry into EU financial regulation, from 10.35am.

The Committee have been conducting an inquiry into EU financial regulation since December 2008 and are seeking to find out how the EU can be more effective in preventing future financial crises. They have previously heard evidence from a range of witnesses including MEPs, representatives of the European Commission and representatives of the Bank of England. The evidence session with Lord Myners will be the last public session of the inquiry.

Lord Myners will be asked whether more powerful EU regulatory Committees should have binding powers over national financial regulators, whether a European Systematic Risk Council should be established as proposed in the de Larosière report and what role the EU should play in financial aspects of future G20 meetings.