Political editors speak to People and Parliament inquiry
6 May 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The House of Lords Information Committee, which is running the 'People and Parliament' inquiry into how the House of Lords can relate better to the public, takes evidence from political editors and correspondents from 10.45am.
- Video and Audio: People and Parliament evidence session
- House of Lords Information Committee
- Parliament News: People and Parliament inquiry launched
The Committee is hoping to hear new ideas for improving the way the House of Lords communicates with the public.
In the previous evidence session on 29 April, the Committee heard from Alison Williams and Trish McMeekin from Rethink, Lee Shelsher from Essex County Libraries and Chloe Stables From the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. In the second half of the session the Committee heard from 15 sixth-from students from schools in London and the North East.
In earlier evidence sessions the Committee took evidence from new media experts, the Hansard Society and from youth Parliament organisations.