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Committee looks at EU directive on protection of animals

3 June 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords European Union Environment and Agriculture Sub-Committee takes evidence at 11am from European Commission representatives for its inquiry into the proposal for a repeal and replacement of the EC Directive governing the protection of animals used in research.

In 1986, the European Community adopted a Directive on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. The European Commission argues that the Directive, now over 20 years old, does not cater for modern techniques in the field of animal experimentation, nor does it take account of the latest developments in animal welfare.

The Commission therefore proposes to repeal the 1986 Directive and replace it with a new Directive, with two aims:

  • To ensure a level playing field within the EU for industry and the research community by laying down harmonised common rules
  • To strengthen the protection of animals still used in scientific procedures in line with the Protocol on Animal Welfare