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Lord Speaker’s competition 2009: winners

25 June 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

We are delighted to announce the three winners of the Lord Speaker's competition 2009. While we received our highest ever number of entries, the winning submissions stood out for their creative response to the subject, excellent research into the issues and balanced approach.

The three winners (in alphabetical order) are:

  • Participation Opportunities in North Tyneside (POINT), for their film "Tunnel Vision"
  • Rathmore Grammar School, Belfast, for their newspaper article
  • Ringwood School, Hampshire, for their film "Raw Deal or Truth Told?"

Winners' day and prizes

The young people involved in the three submissions will each receive £25 and will visit Parliament on 8 July, where they will discuss their competition entries with the House of Lords Communications Committee.

They will tour the Houses of Parliament before having lunch with the Lord Speaker, Baroness Hayman.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition to share your views about young people in the media. You will each receive a certificate and will be able to see the report the Hansard Society will produce, collating and summarising all your responses to this important issue.

Further information