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Lords debate: role of the NHS

23 June 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lord Walton of Detchant (Crossbench) will open a debate in the House of Lords about the NHS this Thursday, 25 June

The debate will consider the NHS’s role in learning from and promoting medical and scientific research, clinical teaching, health care delivery and social enterprise and cohesion.

Baroness Thornton will speak on behalf of the Government.

Members scheduled to take part include:

  • Baroness Emerton (Crossbench); former Chief Nursing Officer for the South East Thames Regional Health Authority
  • Baroness Masham of Ilton (Crossbench); takes particular interest in issues surrounding health and disability
  • Lord Mawson (Crossbench); founder of the Bromley-by-Bow Centre, a national exemplar for Healthy Living Centres
  • Lord Warner (Labour); former Minister for NHS Delivery and NHS Reform
  • Baroness Tonge (Liberal Democrat); spokesperson for Health and former General Practitioner
  • Lord McColl of Dulwich (Conservative); Opposition spokesperson on Health
  • Baroness Thornton (Labour); Government spokesperson for Health

Further information