Statement: 21st century schools
1 July 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
Ed Balls, Children, Schools and Families Secretary, made a statement in the Commons entitled: 21st Century schools: a world class education for every child. It is one of the components of the Draft Legislative Programme 2009/10, announced by the Prime Minister in the Commons on 29 June
- Commons Hansard: Statement: 21st century schools
- Video and audio: Statement: 21st century schools
- Department for Children, Schools and Families: 21st century schools
- About Parliament: Ministerial statements
- Topical Issues: Schools
Oral statements are made after Question Time - or at 11.00 am on a Friday - and usually relate to matters of policy or government actions. At the end of a statement MPs can respond or question the gove;rnment minister on its contents.