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Statement: Care and support Green Paper

15 July 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, made a statement on the Government's Green Paper on the reform of adult care and support in England, entitled 'Shaping the Future of Care Together'.

Green papers are consultation documents produced by the Government. Often when a government department is considering introducing a new law, it will put together a discussion document called a green paper to allow people and organisations both in and outside Parliament and Government to react and give the department feedback on its suggestions.

The Government is suggesting three ways in which the new National Care Service could be funded:

  • A partnership model in which both the state and the individual share responsibility for funding care. Everyone would get a set proportion - either a third or a quarter - of their basic care costs paid for by the state. They would then have to pay the remainder themselves.
  • A voluntary insurance model where people would get the same minimum proportion of basic care paid for through the national care service, but they could then choose to take out insurance against the cost of the remaining care, through either a state-backed insurance programme or a partnership between the state and private companies.
  • A comprehensive model where everyone over retirement age would pay into a state insurance scheme, and would then get the full cost of their basic care met by the state.However, that would mean everyone over 65 making a contribution, even though they may not ultimately receive any care.