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Latest written answers to MPs published

11 September 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Nearly 330 responses to MPs' questions from 20 government departments and other bodies were published as Written Answers on 9 September

Business Innovation and Skills


  • higher education
  • government financial schemes for helping UK businesses
  • regional development agencies

All Business, Innovations and Skills answers

Cabinet Office


  • questions to be added to the 2011 census
  • deaths from illegal drugs
  • Government's review of lobbying

All Cabinet Office answers

Children, Schools and Families


  • faith schools,
  • free school meals
  • financing of various departmental school programmes

All Children, Schools and Families answers

Communities and Local Government


  • Prevent Partnership community relations grants
  • the number of houses in England with conservatories attached
  • guidance on gypsy and traveller caravan sites

All Communities and Local Government answers

Culture, Media and Sport


  • progress of applications for casino licences
  • National Lottery grants 2008-09
  • public swimming pools in England opened and closed in 2008

All Culture, Media and Sport answers



  • medical support in Afghanistan
  • number of Ridgeback vehicles delivered to, and shipped from, the UK to theatre
  • delivery of the Reaper unmanned air system

All Defence answers

Energy and Climate Change


  • energy prices
  • replacing existing domestic heating systems with renewable alternatives
  • level of uptake of home insulation programmes

All Energy and Climate Change answers

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


  • outstanding sums owed to farmers under the Single Payment Scheme
  • latest information on the work of the Gangmasters Licensing Authority
  • progress on discussions about surface water drainage charges on voluntary groups, churches and charities

All Environment, Food and Rural Affairs answers

Foreign and Commonwealth Office


  • political prisoners in Burma
  • employment of private security contractors in Iraq
  • official visits to Libya

All Foreign and Commonwealth Office answers

Government Equality Office

  • conditions of eployment in organisations with a religious ethos

All Government Equality Office answers



  • number of non-British residents who received NHS treatment in England 2002-09
  • NHS expenditure in England since 1990
  • swine flu cases

All Health answers

Home Office


  • drug convictions in England and Wales from 1997-2007
  • timing on entry clearances for EEA nationals and overseas students

All Home Office answers

International Development


  • funding allocated for reducing levels of deforestation in developing countries
  • assessment of humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka

All International Development answers



  • number of bankruptcy and morgage repossessions
  • reoffending and reconviction rates of those released from prison on probation
  • number of prisoners entering treatment programmes, including detoxification

All Justice answers

Leader of the House of Commons

  • Commons Commission responsibility for publishing claims made under the additional cost allowance process

All Leader of the Commons answers

Northern Ireland


  • timing of introduction of police community support officers
  • number of young offenders who had previously been in care

All Northern Ireland answers

Prime Minister

  • lack of any facility to post comments on No 10 YouTube video
  • correspondence with Colonel Gaddafi.

All Prime Minister's answers



  • expenditure on Crossrail
  • number of foreign-registered lorries involved in serious accidents in England in 2008
  • dates of reports on road safety and cycling

All Transport answers

HM Treasury

  • Equitable Life: position on emergency compensation payments on compassionate grounds
  • total income tax paid by citizens by local authority and constituency area
  • total of tax credits paid to recipients by local authority and constituency area

All Treasury answers

Work and Pensions


  • information on publication of details of child maintenance arrears
  • payments to, and recovery from, people receiving indistrial injuries disablement benefit
  • New Deal work schemes

All Work and Pension answers