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Lord Speaker’s statement: Leader’s Group on the Code of Conduct

29 October 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Leader’s Group on the Code of Conduct, chaired by Lord Eames, proposed a new Code of Conduct for the House of Lords on 29 October.

Its recommendations are significant and aim to provide much greater clarity for Members and the public on the conduct expected of Members of the House of Lords.

Among its proposals are the establishment of an independent House of Lords Commissioner for Standards to investigate complaints against Members, and a ban on Members accepting payment in return for parliamentary advice or services.

I welcome the report which contains a range of proposed reforms and I would recommend anyone interested in this issue reads it.

The House is expected to debate the report on 30 November.

This report will, I believe, complement the independent, external review of the system of financial support available for Members of the Lords by the Review Body on Senior Salaries (SSRB).

Together these two reports will, I hope, allow us to provide a comprehensive, clear and transparent set of governance arrangements for the House of Lords and help rebuild public confidence in Parliament.