Broadband speed inquiry continues
2 November 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee questions BT and the TalkTalk Group - amongst other broadband providers - as part of its inquiry into broadband speed in the UK. Watch live from 4.15 pm
- Video and audio: Broadband speed in the UK evidence session
- Business, Innovation and Skills Committee
The witnesses are:
From 4.15pm
- BT
- Vtesse
- TalkTalk Group
- Avanti
From 5pm
- Commission for Rural Communities
- Consumer Focus
- Intellect
- IT Support Line Ltd
Topics the Committee is examining include:
- whether the target for universal access to broadband at a speed of 2Mb/s by 2012 is ambitious enough
- is the Government right to propose a levy on copper lines to fund next generation access?
- will the Government's plans for next generation access work?
- if companies are providing the speed of access which they promise to consumers
- the extent to which current regulation striks the right balance between ensuring fair competition and encouraging investment in next generation networks