Evidence sessions on defence equipment inquiry announced
19 November 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The Defence Committee announced its first three evidence sessions in its inquiry into aspects of the Ministry of Defence's (MoD) Defence Equipment programme
The sessions will take place in December and the witnesses are:
Tuesday 1 December 2009
10.30am: General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue, Chief of Defence Materiel, MoD
Tuesday 8 December 2009
10.30am: Witnesses to be confirmed
Tuesday 15 December 2009
10.30am: Quentin Davies MP, Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, MoD
3.30pm: Bernard Gray, author of a recent critical review of defence procurement for the MoD
4.30am: Lord Drayson, Minister for Strategic Defence Acquisition Reform, MoD
The inquiry expects to follow up areas of weakness and poor performance identified in its last report, Defence Equipment 2009, published earlier this year. It intends to focus on armoured vehicles and the future of the Future Rapid Effect System programme, strategic air-lift and maritime capability.