Ofcom and Culture Secretary give evidence to Committee
11 November 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The House of Lords Communications Committee will question Ben Bradshaw MP, Secretary of State for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport at 11.30 am as part of its inquiry into the British film and television industries
- Video and Audio: British film and television industries evidence session
- House of Lords Communications Committee
The Secretary of State will be questioned about subjects that include funding options for UK content, the potential merger between the UK Film Council and the British Film Institute and the issue of audiovisual piracy.
The Committee will also hear evidence from Ofcom representatives - Peter Phillips, Board Director, and Stewart Purvis, Partner for Content & Standards. Mr Phillips and Mr Purvis will be asked about the recent decline in investment in UK content, future prospects for Channel 4, spectrum pricing and the funding of training in the industry.
The Committee will hear from Ofcom at 10.30am and from Ben Bradshaw MP at 11.30am.