Boris Johnson and Bob Crow give evidence on Tube finances
9 December 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The Transport Committee hears evidence from London Mayor, Boris Johnson, and Bob Crow of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers' union, as part of the Committee's inquiry into the progress made on London Underground and its public-private partnership (PPP) agreements. Watch live from 2.45pm.
- Video and Audio: London Underground and public-private partnership (PPP) agreements
- Transport Committee
The witnesses are:
- Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
- Richard Parry, Interim Managing Director, Transport for London
- Dean Finch, Chief Executive, Tube Lines
- Steve Grant District Organiser for London Underground, ASLEF
- Bob Crow, General Secretary, RMT (National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Workers)
- Tim Bellenger, Director, Research and Development, London Travel Watch
- Sadiq Khan, Minister of State, Department for Transport
Following its report on these issues in 2008, the Committee decided this summer to review the progress that has been made since then, the evidence that has come to light and the prospects for the future of London Underground.
In particular, the inquiry is addressing the following questions:
- what lessons can be learned from the collapse of the London Underground PPP Agreement with Metronet?
- are these lessons being applied to the London Underground PPP Agreement with Tube Lines?
- how has the upgrade work progressed since the demise of Metronet?
- what contractual arrangements are appropriate for the future?
- what risks, if any, are associated with the PPP Agreement with Tube Lines?
- what impact is the current economic situation having on transport PPP and PFI schemes and what are the financial implications for other transport schemes?
- what role has the Government played in these matters?