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House of Lords to implement new financial support system

15 December 2009 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords discussed the reports by the House of Lords House Committee and the Review Body on Senior Salaries (SSRB) on the financial support for Members of the Lords on 14 December.

The House of Lords agreed to the recommendations outlined in the House Committee's report, including the recommendation to accept the architecture and principles of the new system proposed by the SSRB.

Next steps

  • The House Committee will work to prepare resolutions to implement the proposals on a timescale which allows a new system to be operational from the start of the new Parliament.
  • An ad hoc group of Members will be established to consider and consult on issues in the SSRB report and advise on their implementation.
  • The House Committee will monitor and report on the effects of implementation of the new system after a year of its operation.