MPs look at impact of economic situation on public services
21 January 2010 (updated on 22 April 2010)
The Public Administration Committee (PASC) continues its 'Public Administration in a Fiscal Squeeze' inquiry into the impact of hard economic times on government administration and public services. Watch live from 10am.
- Video and Audio: Public expenditure and the fiscal squeeze evidence session
- Public Administration Committee
- Steve Bundred, Chief Executive of the Audit Commission
- Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office
As the heads of the two government audit watchdogs, the witnesses will provide an informed perspective on how anticipated public spending cuts are likely to affect government departments and frontline public services.
The session is expected to cover the following issues:
- the level and nature of expected cuts to public spending
- possible effects on the size and organisation of central government, frontline public services and other public sector bodies
- how government officials and public servants could manage the process of implementing cuts most effectively
PASC's short inquiry into public administration and the fiscal squeeze is looking at how ministers and public servants can conduct the business of government most effectively in the face of likely future public spending cuts.
PASC's particular focus is the impact of the current economic situation on government administration and public services, rather than on the economics of deficit reduction. It is also looking at government and other proposals for achieving "smarter government".