House of Lords on animal welfare in science
11 February 2010 (updated on 22 April 2010)
Members of the House of Lords with experience of and expertise in animal welfare and science, contributed to a debate on the Lords EU Committee report on the proposed revision of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific procedures.
The wide-ranging discussion covered: welfare of laboratory animals; animal experimentation for medical purposes, promotion of replacement, reduction and refinement of the scientific use of animals; use of non-human primates in research; the strategic approach to the development of non-animal methods across the EU; and animal experimentation for medical purposes.
- Video & Audio: watch the debate on the EU Committee report
- Lords Hansard: read the debate on the EU Committee report
In the House of Lords Members may table questions for debate, usually up to two hours and a half, on a specific issue or matter of concern.
A minister responds on behalf of the Government.
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