Short debates in the Lords
4 February 2010 (updated on 22 April 2010)
Members of the House of Lords contributed to four short debates in the House of Lords on 3 February on a range of issues.
Covering the conflict in eastern Congo; steps to eliminate age discrimination in mental health services for older people; an independent inquiry into examining the law on assisted dying for terminally ill adults; and shared surface street designs for blind and partially sighted people, Members of the Lords with wide-ranging expertise in the subjects took part.
Watch the debates
- Video & Audio: Congo
- Video & Audio: Mental Health: Age Discrimination
- Video & Audio: Assisted Dying
- Video & Audio: Blind and Partially Sighted People: Street Design
Read the debates
- Lords Hansard: Congo
- Lords Hansard: Mental Health: Age Discrimination
- Lords Hansard: Assisted Dying
- Lords Hansard: Blind and Partially Sighted People: Street Design
Questions for short debate - discussions usually lasting from 60 to 90 minutes - can be tabled by any Member of the Lords to ask the Government a question on a topic of interest. A spokesperson replies to the question on behalf of the Government.