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End of the 2005-2010 Parliament

9 April 2010 (updated on 22 April 2010)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Thursday 8 April, the prorogation announcement was made in the chamber of the House of Lords, bringing the 2009-10 session of Parliament to an end. The 2005-2010 Parliament is formally dissolved on Monday 12 April: from this date, Parliament ceases to exist until a new session is commenced with the State Opening on 25 May

Wash-up and Bills passed into law

On 7 and 8 April, Parliament went through a period known as "wash-up", which falls between the announcement of the election and dissolution of Parliament. During the wash-up period Bills progress swiftly through both Houses, with the Government relying on co-operation from the Opposition. Some Bills may be dropped entirely and others continue in a reduced form.

During wash-up, Parliament considered 18 Bills, all of which passed into law. During the prorogation announcement, 20 Bills in total received Royal Assent, wrapping up this Parliament's legislative activity as follows.

There were 13 Bills announced in The Queen's Speech at the State Opening on 18 November 2009. During the 2009-10 session, 30 Bills received Royal Assent and became Acts of Parliament.

Prorogation: end of the session

On Thursday 8 April, both Houses of Parliament were prorogued in advance of the general election on 6 May. Prorogation marks the end of the current session of Parliament and the announcement, on behalf of the Queen, was read in the chamber of the House of Lords in front of Members of both Houses.

During the prorogation announcement, the Queen's Speech highlighted major legislation and other measures taken by the Government during the past session.

Dissolution of Parliament

On Monday 12 April, the Parliament that began on Tuesday 17 May 2005 will end.

The new parliament and a new session will begin with the State Opening of Parliament on Tuesday 25 May.