Westminster Hall debates: 5 July 2011
6 July 2011 (updated on 6 July 2011)
Five debates were held in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 5 July 2011. Watch and read the views expressed by MPs during the debates via the links to Parliament TV and Commons Hansard
Also, find more information about current parliamentary material in the Topics section on the Parliament website.
9.30 - 11.00 – Police forces
Teresa Pearce, Labour MP for Erith and Thamesmead, moved a debate on the effect of Government policies on police forces, which received a response from the Minister for Immigration, Damian Green.
11:00 - 12:30 – Packaging industry
Mark Pawsey, Conservative MP for Rugby, moved a debate on future prospects for the packaging industry, which received an answer from Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Mark Prisk.
12:30 - 13:00 – Debt management plans
Nic Dakin, Labour MP for Scunthorpe moved a debate on debt management plans, which received an answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Edward Davey.
- Parliament TV: Debt management plans
- Commons Hansard: Debt management plans
- Topics: Economy and Finance
13:00 - 13:30 - Neuroblastoma
Neil Parish, Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton, moved a debate on primary care trust funding for neuroblastoma, which received an answer from Minister of State, Department of Health, Paul Burstow.
13:30 - 14:00 – Great lakes in Africa
Eric Joyce, Labour MP for Falkirk moved a debate on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes region of Africa, which received an answer from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development, Stephen O’Brien.
- Parliament TV: Great lakes (Africa)
- Commons Hansard: Great lakes (Africa)
- Topics: International affairs
Westminster Hall debates
Westminster Hall adjournment debates allow MPs to discuss issues of local or personal interest which rarely have time to be debated in the main Chamber of the House of Commons. MPs can discuss a variety of issues and receive a response from a government Minister.