Westminster Hall debates: 2 March 2011
3 March 2011
Westminster Hall debates provide MPs an opportunity to debate local or national issues and to receive a response from a government Minister.
Watch and read the views expressed by MPs during the debates via Parliament TV and Commons Hansard. Also, find more information about current parliamentary material in the Topics section on the Parliament website.
The sitting in Westminster Hall was suspended until 11am as the MP responsible for the debate on Women in Business was not present at the start of the sitting.
St David's Day as a public holiday in Wales
Mark Williams, Liberal Democrat MP for Ceredigion, moved a debate on the designation of St David's Day as a public holiday in Wales.
- Video and Audio: St David's Day as a public holiday in Wales
- Commons Hansard: St David's Day as a public holiday in Wales
Child slavery in the UK and abroad
David Simpson, Democratic Unionist Party MP for Upper Bann, moved a debate on child slavery in the UK and abroad.
- Video and Audio: Child slavery in the UK and abroad
- Commons Hansard: Child slavery in the UK and abroad
- Topics: Human rights
Death of David Kato in Uganda
Eric Joyce, Labour MP for Falkirk, moved a debate on the death of David Kato in Uganda.
Hospital services in Worcestershire
Karen Lumley, Conservative MP for Redditch, moved a debate on hospital services in Worcestershire.
- Video and Audio: Hospital services in Worcestershire
- Commons Hansard: Hospital services in Worcestershire
- Topics: Health services
- Bills before Parliament 2010-11: Health and Social Care Bill
Westminster Hall debates
Westminster Hall adjournment debates allow MPs to discuss issues of local or personal interest which rarely have time to be debated in the main Chamber of the House of Commons. MPs can discuss a variety of issues and receive a response from a government Minister.