Westminster Hall debates: 22 March 2011
23 March 2011 (updated on 23 March 2011)
Debates held in Westminster Hall provide MPs with an opportunity to debate local or national issues and to receive a direct response from a government Minister.
Five debates were held in Westminster Hall on 22 March 2011.
Watch and read the views expressed by MPs during the debates via the links to Parliament TV and Commons Hansard.
Also, find more information about current parliamentary material in the Topics section on the Parliament website.
09.30-11.00 - Promotion of women in business
Helen Grant, Conservative MP for Maidstone and The Weald, moved a debate on government policy on the promotion of women in business which received an answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Edward Davey.
- Video and Audio: Promotion of women in business
- Commons Hansard: Promotion of women in business
- Topics: Business, industry and consumers
11.00-12.30 - Regional development (North-East)
Tom Blenkinsop, Labour MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, moved a debate on regional development in the North-East which received an answer from the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Mark Prisk.
- Video and Audio: Regional development (North-East)
- Commons Hansard: Regional development (North-East)
12.30-1.00 - Pakistan
Andrew Stephenson, Conservative MP for Pendle, moved a debate on government policy in Pakistan which received an answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Alistair Burt.
1.00-1.30 - Cross-border child custody
Frank Doran, Labour MP for Aberdeen North, moved a debate on cross-border child custody which received an answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Mr Jonathan Djanogly.
1.30-2.00 - Civil recovery (England and Wales)
Simon Hughes, Liberal Democrat MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, moved a debate on civil recovery in England and Wales which received an answer from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Jonathan Djanogly.
- Video and Audio: Civil recovery (England and Wales)
- Commons Hansard: Civil recovery (England and Wales)
Westminster Hall debates
Westminster Hall adjournment debates allow MPs to discuss issues of local or personal interest which rarely have time to be debated in the main Chamber of the House of Commons. MPs can discuss a variety of issues and receive a response from a government Minister.