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Report stage and third reading of Education Bill

12 May 2011 (updated on 12 May 2011)

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The House of Commons held report stage and third reading of the Education Bill on Wednesday 11 May

Education Bill

Report stage

MPs considered the following Clauses and Amendments; New Clauses 20, 21, 2, 5, 9 and Amendments 30-33, 13 and 34-39.

New Clause 20 relates to the financing of pupil referral units and was read a first time and a second time and added to the Bill.

New Clause 21 relates to charges at boarding Academies and was read a first time and a second time and added to the Bill.

New Clause 2 relates to admission policy of independent schools opting for Academy status and was read a first time and withdrawn.

New Clause 5 relates to the payments in relation to full-time, post-16 education and was read a first time and was negatived on second reading.

New Clause 9 relates to requirement to achieve specified standard: suppliers of careers guidance and was negatived on division.  

Amendments 30-33 were agreed to. Amendment 13 was negatived on division. Amendments 34-39 were agreed to.

Third reading 

The Bill was considered for the third time and was agreed on a division, Ayes 305, Noes 204. The Bill will now be considered by the House of Lords.

Watch and read the views expressed by MPs during the report stage and third reading:

Summary of the Bill

Find a summary of the Bill and related documents. Keep up to date with the latest proceedings on the Bill and find out how a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.

Library analysis

The House of Commons Library regularly produce briefing notes which inform MPs about key issues. The Library has produced two Research Papers on the Education Bill.

Report stage

Report stage gives MPs an opportunity, on the floor of the House, to consider further amendments (proposals for change) to a Bill which has been examined in committee.

There is no set time period between the end of committee stage and the start of the report stage. All MPs may speak and vote - for lengthy or complex Bills the debates may be spread over several days. All MPs can suggest amendments to the Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.

Report stage is normally followed immediately by debate on the Bill's third reading.

Third reading

Third reading is the final chance for the Commons to debate the contents of a Bill. Debate on the Bill is usually short, and limited to what is actually in the Bill, rather than, as at second reading, what might have been included. Amendments (proposals for change) cannot be made to a Bill at third reading in the Commons.

At the end of the debate, the House decides (votes on) whether to approve the third reading of the Bill. If the Bill started in the Commons it goes to the House of Lords for its first reading.