Chechnya and the North Caucasus
6 May 2011
The House of Lords discussed the conflict in Chechnya and the North Caucasus on Thursday 5 May. The debate examined the political situation in the region, including other key North Caucasus states – Ingushetia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia – and the implications for global security.
- Watch the debate: Chechnya and the North Caucasus
- Lords Hansard: Read a transcript of the debate
- LLN 2011/015, Debate on 5 May: Chechnya and the North Caucasus
Lord Judd (Labour), opened the debate.
Issues discussed during the course of debate included:
- lack of ‘the sustained focus of international attention and analysis’ on the situation in the region
- historical relationship between Russia and the region
- deaths of journalists Anna Politkovskaya and Natalia Estemirova
- European Court of Human Rights judgments against the Russian Federation on serious human rights violations across the North Caucasus
- political leadership and the situation in Chechnya
- role of international organisations, including NATO, Council of Europe, non-governmental organisations and the UN
- how to build a peace process in the region, including strengthening civil society.
Contributors to the debate
Other Members who took part in the debate included (use the links to watch/listen to their contributions):
- Viscount Waverley (Crossbench), strong political interest in international affairs
- Lord Rea (Labour), a former Deputy Opposition Spokesperson for Health and International Development with an interest in Chechnya
- Lord Jopling (Conservative), Member of the House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy.
Lord Wallace of Saltaire, Government spokesperson for the Home Office, responded on behalf of the government.
- Lords Hansard: Read transcripts of the contributions by all Members who took part in the debate
- Lists of Members of the House of Lords: Members’ biographies
Further information
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