Westminster Hall debates: 11 May 2011
12 May 2011 (updated on 12 May 2011)
Westminster Hall debates provide MPs an opportunity to debate local or national issues and to receive a response from a government Minister
Watch and read the views expressed by MPs during the debates via Parliament TV and Commons Hansard.
Also, find more information about current parliamentary material in the Topics section on the Parliament website.
State Pension Age (Women)
9.30-11.00 - Teresa Pearce Labour MP for Erith and Thamesmead moved a debate on government plans to accelerate the timetable for equalising the state pension age. Ms Pearce received an answer from Minister of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, Steve Webb.
- Video and audio: State Pension Age (Women)
- Commons Hansard: State Pension Age (Women)
- Topics: Pensions
Car Insurance Premiums
11.00-11.30 – Roger Godsiff Labour MP for Birmingham, Hall Green moved a debate on the cost of car insurance premiums. Mr Godsiff received an answer from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport Norman Baker.
Legal Aid
2.30-4.00 – Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge, moved a debate on Legal Aid.Mr Huppert received an answer from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Jonathan Djangoly.
Avon Ring Road (M4 Link)
4.00-4.30 Chris Skidmore, Conservative MP for Kingswood moved a debate on the Avon ring road, M4 Link. Mr Skidmore received an answer from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport Norman Baker.
Women Offender One-stop Shops
4.30-5.00 Madeleine Moon, Labour MP for Bridgend moved a debate on women in the criminal justice system. Mrs Moon received an answer from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, Jonathan Djangoly.
- Video and audio: Women Offender One-stop Shops
- Commons Hansard: Women Offender One-stop Shops
- Topics: Crime, Civil law, justice and rights
Westminster Hall debates
Westminster Hall adjournment debates allow MPs to discuss issues of local or personal interest which rarely have time to be debated in the main Chamber of the House of Commons. MPs can discuss a variety of issues and receive a response from a government Minister.