Debate on North Africa and the Near and Middle East
29 November 2011
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, William Hague, moved a debate in the House of Commons on Monday 28 November on recent political developments in North Africa and the Near and Middle East.
Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Douglas Alexander, responded in the debate on behalf of the Opposition.
Watch and read the debate and the views expressed by MPs on Parliament TV and in Commons Hansard. Also find parliamentary material on Africa and the Middle East in the Topics and News sections.
- Parliament TV: Debate on North Africa and the Near and Middle East
- Commons Hansard: Debate on North Africa and the Near and Middle East
- Topics: Africa
- News: Africa
- Topics: Middle East
- News: Middle East
House of Commons Library analysis
The House of Commons Library produce briefing papers to inform MPs of key issues. The Library published briefing papers on the Arab uprisings and the Egypt elections.
- Commons Library briefing paper: The Arab uprisings
- Commons Library briefing paper: In brief: Egyptian election 2011
Debates are an opportunity for MPs to discuss government policy, proposed new laws and current issues. It allows MPs to voice the concerns and interests of their constituents.