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Scotland Bill completes Lords' third reading

25 April 2012 (updated on 25 April 2012)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Scotland Bill had its third reading and final chance to debate aspects of the bill in the House of Lords yesterday (Tuesday 24 April).

The debate started with a 'minor and technical' amendment (Amendment One) to the bill moved by Lord Wallace of Tankerness on the terminology in the bill, ensuring that the name 'Scottish Government' is used consistently.

Members then turned their attentions to amendments extending Scottish powers over speed limits, which were agreed. 'Amendments Three to Seven will give Scottish ministers the power to make regulations regulating the speed of all classes of vehicle on roads in Scotland and will make some consequential amendments. This will enable Scottish ministers to set a national speed limit that is different for different classes of vehicle,' explained Lord Wallace of Tankerness.  

Lords then discussed the role of the Supreme Court in Scottish criminal proceedings and agreed Amendments Eight and Nine on the appeals system.

Amendment Ten, changing the final naming of the bill from 'Scotland Act' to 'Scottish Income Tax, Enabling of Scottish Taxation and Borrowing, and Miscellaneous Provisions (Scotland) Act' was not moved at the end of the debate.

The Scotland Bill has been passed to the Commons with the amendments that the Lords has made.

What is third reading?

Third reading is the final chance for the Lords to debate and change the contents of the bill.

The day before third reading starts, amendments are published in a marshalled list in which all the amendments are placed in order. Amendments on related subjects are grouped together and a list is published on the day.

Amendments at third reading in the Lords are often used to clarify specific parts of the bill and to allow the government to make good any promises of changes to the bill made at earlier stages.

Next stage: Consideration of amendments/ping pong

Once the bill has completed its passage through the second chamber the bill will return to the Commons where they will consider any amendments made.

Both Houses need to agree to the exact wording of the bill and the bill may 'ping pong' between both houses until this happens.

When the exact wording of the bill has been agreed by both Houses the bill is ready for royal assent. Once a bill receives royal assent it becomes an Act of Parliament (proposals in the bill become law). 

Catch up on report stage day two (Wednesday 28 March)

Catch up on report stage day one (Monday 26 March)

Catch up on final committee stage day five (Wednesday 21 March)

Catch up on committee day four (Thursday 15 March)

Catch up on committee day three (Tuesday 28 February)

Catch up on committee day two (Thursday 2 February)

Catch up on committee stage day one

The previous stage (Second Reading) took place on 6 December 2011.

Further information