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Have your say on the Energy Bill

20 December 2012 (updated on 21 December 2012)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Do you have relevant expertise and experience or a special interest in the Government’s proposals for legislation on energy?

If so, you can submit your views in writing to the House of Commons Public Bill Committee which is going to consider the Energy Bill.

Energy Bill 2012-13

The Energy Bill 2012-13 was introduced in the House of Commons on 29 November. The second reading of the Bill took place on 19 December, giving MPs the opportunity to debate the main principles of the Bill.

The Bill has now been sent to the Public Bill Committee, where detailed examination of the Bill will take place.

Aims of the Energy Bill

The Energy Bill 2012 seeks to implement 'electricity market reform'. The aims of this, as for Government energy policy generally, are for 'secure, clean and affordable' energy supplies.

The Bill introduces a new system of support for low-carbon generation, called 'Contracts for Difference' which will encompass nuclear as well as renewable generation. It allows for other measures to reform the electricity market, such as capacity auctions, and measures to support routes to market for independent generators should such powers be needed.

Other provisions in the Bill include placing the Office for Nuclear Regulation on a statutory footing, allowing for the possible sale of the Government Pipeline and Storage System, and 'consumer redress' powers, allowing Ofgem to require energy companies to pay compensation to consumers.

However, it does not include all of the recommendations made by the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee following its pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Bill.

The Committee also said that certainty and stability were needed urgently for investors, but several consultations associated with measures in the Bill are still on-going.

Deadline for submissions

The Public Bill Committee is now able to receive written evidence. The sooner you send in your submission, the more time the Committee will have to take it into consideration.

The Committee is expected to meet for the first time on Tuesday 15 January. The Committee will stop receiving written evidence at the end of the Committee stage on Tuesday 12 February.

Guidance on submitting written evidence

What should written evidence cover?

Your submission should address matters contained within the Bill and concentrate on issues where you have a special interest or expertise, and factual information of which you would like the Committee to be aware.

It is helpful if the submission includes a brief introduction about you or your organisation. The submission should not have been previously published or circulated elsewhere.

If you have any concerns about your submission, please contact the Scrutiny Unit (details below).

How should written evidence be submitted?

Your submission should be emailed to Please note that submissions sent to the Government department in charge of the Bill will not be treated as evidence to the Public Bill Committee.

Submissions should be in the form of a Word document. A summary should be provided. Paragraphs should be numbered, but there should be no page numbering.

Essential statistics or further details can be added as annexes, which should also be numbered. To make publication easier, please avoid the use of coloured graphs, complex diagrams or pictures.

As a guideline, submissions should not exceed 3,000 words.

Please include in the covering email the name, address, telephone number and email address of the person responsible for the submission. The submission should be dated.

What will happen to my evidence?

The written evidence will be circulated to all Committee Members to inform their consideration of the Bill.

Most submissions will also be published on the internet as soon as possible after the Committee has started sitting.

The Scrutiny Unit can help with any queries about written evidence.

Scrutiny Unit contact details

Telephone: 020 7219 8387
Fax: 020 7219 8381,
Address: Michelle Edney
Senior Executive Officer
Scrutiny Unit, 7 Millbank,
London SW1P 3JA.

Further information