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Speaker calls on all School Councils

27 January 2012 (updated on 27 January 2012)

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Applications for the Speaker's School Council Awards 2012 are now open.

The national awards scheme which recognises excellence in school councils invites pupils aged 4-19 across the country to nominate their most innovative, effective and exciting school council projects.

The Speaker John Bercow said:

"As democratically elected bodies, student councils are often the first experiences young people have with democratic practices, and I am proud that Parliament is able to support these practices through the Speaker's School Council Awards.

I encourage all school councils across the UK to submit the project they are most proud of, and I look forward to seeing the entries and welcoming winners to Parliament for their awards day."

Since the scheme's launch in 2009, over 3000 schools have registered to participate across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales; representing pupils aged 4-19.

The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2012, and all participating schools are awarded certificates of participation from the Speaker. 16 finalists will receive presentation plaques for their schools and four councils will be awarded the Speaker's School Council Award trophy and resources for future school council projects at an awards day in Parliament.

Further information