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Statement on employment support

8 March 2012 (updated on 8 March 2012)

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Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Maria Miller, made a statement in the House of Commons on Wednesday 7 March on the reform of specialist disability employment support.

Employment support

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary announced the publication of a Command Paper setting out plans for specialist disability employment support and summarising the Government response to the Sayce review.

In December 2010, the Secretary of State asked Liz Sayce, the Chief Executive of RADAR, the UK’s largest disability campaigning organisation, to conduct an independent review of the Government’s specialist disability employment programmes.

The findings of that review were published on 9 June 2011 in "Getting in, staying in and getting on."

Anne McGuire, Shadow Minister for Work and Pensions, responded to the statement on behalf of the Opposition.

Watch and read the statement and the views expressed by MPs on Parliament TV and in Commons Hansard. Also find current parliamentary material on employment in the Topics and News sections.

Oral statements

Oral statements are made after Question Time (or at 11am on a Friday). Statements normally relate to matters of policy or government actions. At the end of a statement, MPs can respond or question the government minister on its contents.