Westminster Hall debates: 26 March 2013
26 March 2013
MPs debated HM Revenue & Customs closures and bee health on Tuesday 26 March 2013
The debates were two of five scheduled Westminster Hall debates that gave MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister.
Schedule of Westminster Hall debates: 26 March 2013
9.30-11am – Munitions workers
Robert Flello, Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent South, moved a debate on the recognition of munitions workers. The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Skills, Matthew Hancock, responded on behalf of the Government.
- Watch Parliament TV: Debate on Munitions workers
- Read Commons Hansard: Debate on Munitions workers
- Read current Parliamentary material in Topics: Industry
11-11.30am – Fetal Anti-convulsant Syndrome
Anas Sarwar, Labour MP for Glasgow Central, moved a debate on fetal anti-convulsant syndrome. The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, Anna Soubry, responded on behalf of the Government.
- Watch Parliament TV: Debate on Fetal Anti-convulsant Syndrome
- Read Commons Hansard: Debate on Fetal Anti-convulsant Syndrome
- Read current Parliamentary material in Topics: Health services and medicine
2.30-4pm – HM Revenue & Customs closures
Andrew Turner, Conservative MP for Isle of Wight, moved a debate on HM Revenue & Customs closures. The Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Mr David Gauke, responded on behalf of the Government.
- Watch Parliament TV: Debate on HM Revenue & Customs closures
- Read Commons Hansard: Debate on HM Revenue & Customs closures
- Read current Parliamentary material in Topics: Taxation
4-4.30pm – Bee health
Sarah Newton, Conservative MP for Truro and Falmouth, moved a debate on bee health. The Minister of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Mr David Heath, responded on behalf of the Government.
- Watch Parliament TV: Debate on Bee health
- Read Commons Hansard: Debate on Bee health
- Read current Parliamentary material in Topics: Animals
4.30-5pm – Under-Occupancy Penalty (Birkenhead)
Frank Field, Labour MP for Birkenhead, moved a debate on the effects of under-occupancy penalty in Birkenhead. The Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions, Steve Webb, responded on behalf of the Government.
- Watch Parliament TV: Debate on Under-Occupancy Penalty (Birkenhead)
- Read Commons Hansard: Debate on Under-Occupancy Penalty (Birkenhead)
- Read current Parliamentary material in Topics: Social rented housing
Westminster Hall debates
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are two one and a half hour debates and three half hour debates. The longer debates are intended for broader subjects where a number of MPs will want to speak. The shorter debates may focus on an issue that an MP may want to raise about their constituency.
Two ballots are held on the Wednesday of the previous week for each type of debate; MPs may enter into both ballots but can only be successful in one.
Each government department responds to the debates every other week according to a rota.
The Chair is taken by a member of the Panel of Chairs, with the same duties and powers conferred on Deputy Speakers.