Immigration Bill Committee announce evidence programme
29 October 2013
The House of Commons Public Bill Committee considering the Government's Immigration Bill will hear oral evidence on Tuesday 29 October and Thursday 31 Thursday 2013.
The Committee will then consider the Bill every Tuesday and Thursday thereafter (with the exception of 14 Thursday November) and conclude on Tuesday 19 November.
The provisional programme of witnesses for the Immigration Bill Committee has been agreed by its programming sub-committee. The meetings are open to the public.
Programme and witnesses
Tuesday 29 October - morning
Taking place in the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House:
From c 8.55am until no later than 9.45am:
- Professor J. Meirion Thomas, The Royal Marsden
- Jacqueline Bishop, Brighton and Sussex University Trust and co-chair of the Overseas Visitors Advisory Group, NHS
c9.45am until no later than 10.45am:
- British Medical Association
- Royal College of General Practitioners
- Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
c10.45am until no later than 11.25am:
- Immigration Law Practitioners' Association
- MigrationWatch UK
Tuesday 29 October - afternoon
Taking place in the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House:
c 2pm until no later than 3pm:
- National Landlords Association
- Residential Landlords Association
- UK Association of Lettings Agents
c 3pm until no later than 3.30pm:
- Crisis
c 3.30pm until no later than 4pm:
- Universities UK
Thursday 31 October - morning
Taking place in the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House:
- Parliament TV: Follow Immigration Bill Committee evidence session Thursday 31 October 2013 - morning
c 11.30am until no later than 12pm:
c 12pm until no later than 12.30pm:
- Liberty
c12.30pm until no later than 1pm:
- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Thursday 31 October - afternoon
Taking place in the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House:
c 2pm until no later than 2.45pm:
- Home Office
Line by line scrutiny of the Bill
Line by line scrutiny of the Bill will take place in Committee Room 9, Palace of Westminster, on the following days:
- Tuesday 5 November - 8.55am and 2pm
- Thursday 7 November - 11.30am and 2pm
- Tuesday 12 November - 8.55am and 2pm
- Tuesday 19 November - 8.55am and 2pm
The Committee must complete consideration of the Bill no later than 5pm on Tuesday 19 November.
These sessions will be open to the public on a first come, first served basis. There is no system for the prior reservation of seats in Committee Rooms.
It is advisable to allow about 20 minutes to pass through security checks. Timings and room numbers are subject to change.
Aims of the Immigration Bill
The Bill would significantly reduce rights of appeal; restrict migrants’ access to services including private rented accommodation, bank accounts and NHS services by reference to immigration status; establish new arrangements for investigating sham marriages and examining persons departing the UK; and make various other changes related to immigration controls.
Keep up to date with all the proceedings and documentation, including amendment papers, on the Immigration Bill and find out how a bill becomes an Act of Parliament.
Have your say on the Immigration Bill
Although the Committee will start hearing oral evidence on Tuesday 29 October, the Committee is still able to receive written evidence from those with relevant expertise and experience or a special interest in the Government’s Immigration Bill.
The sooner you send in your submission, the more time the Committee will have to take it into consideration.
The Committee will stop receiving written evidence at the end of the Committee stage on Tuesday 19 November 2013. (Please note: when the Committee reports, it is no longer able to receive written evidence and it could report earlier than Tuesday 19 November 2013).
Further Information
The Scrutiny Unit can help with any queries about oral evidence.