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Assisted Dying Bill: Lords committee stage day two

19 January 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Assisted Dying Bill continued committee stage, the chance for line by line scrutiny in the Lords, on Friday 16 January.

Members of the Lords discussed the naming of the bill, an amendment to change it to ‘assisted suicide’ went to a vote, with 106 for and 179 against, so the change was not made.

Peers moved on to an amendment asking if people who wish to end their life should be required to consult with two registered medical practitioners rather than one, this went to a vote with 106 for and 179 against, so was not made.

Committee stage continues on 16 January, when further amendments will be discussed. 

Lords committee stage day two: Friday 7 November

Lords second reading: Friday 18 July

Lord Falconer of Thoroton (Labour), former Lord Chancellor and opposition spokesperson for justice, introduced the bill as one to provide a means for terminally ill people to end their lives. Many members supported the bill, however many had concerns about it: some felt there were inadequate safeguards, and a number highlighted the difficulty in assessing mental capacity and life expectancy.

Members were also concerned the bill did not cover long-term terminal illness, and questioned the adequacy of post-death inquiries.

Assisted Dying Bill summary

The Assisted Dying Bill seeks to enable competent adults who are terminally ill to be provided, at their request, with assistance to end their own life.

Further information