Parliamentary News 2015

Government rejects focus on tackling inequality in Sustainable Development Goals
12 February 2015

Committee visit to Swansea and Cardiff
12 February 2015

Publication of Network costs report
12 February 2015

Committee publishes agreement between FCA and banks on IRHP review
12 February 2015

Publication of Linking emissions trading systems report
12 February 2015

MPs debated pubs and planning legislation
12 February 2015

MPs debated destruction of historic sites in Syria and Iraq
12 February 2015

MPs debated national infrastructure projects and local redevelopment
12 February 2015

MPs debated mental health and wellbeing of Londoners
12 February 2015

Committee to publish report on the Appointment of the Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
11 February 2015

European Scrutiny Committee Meeting Summary: 11 February 2015
11 February 2015

Committee publishes DFID Annual Report and Accounts transcript
11 February 2015

PSHE and SRE in schools report to be published
11 February 2015

Director of NOMS Wales and Minister for Prisons questioned
11 February 2015

Lords to hear from First Minister of Northern Ireland
11 February 2015