Lords debates residential care
10 December 2015
Members of the Lords, including the chair of the Social Care Institute For Excellence and a former director general of Age Concern England, debated the quality and viability of the residential care sector in the light of the government’s decision to delay the implementation of the care cost cap, on Thursday 10 December.
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This was a general debate. They usually take place on a Thursday in the Lords chamber. During debates, members are able to put their experience to good use, discussing current issues and drawing the government's attention to concerns.
The debate was tabled by Baroness Wheeler (Labour).
Other speakers included:
- Lord Bichard (Crossbench) chair of the Social Care Institute For Excellence
- Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde (Labour), president of the Abbeyfield Association
- Baroness Greengross (Crossbench), former director general of Age Concern England
- Lord Lansley (Conservative), former secretary of state for health
Lord Prior of Brampton (Conservative) responded on behalf of the government.
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